Animal Quakes

Can some animals tell if there's an earthquake coming?

Animal Sightings

Logging unusual animal sightings here on Animal Quakes can be beneficial for a multitude of reasons.

Besides testing the theory of whether or not animals can predict earthquakes, logging could: help local municipalities find animals in distress, parks identify possible trouble areas due to water shortage or human interference, or a zoologist that is tracking a particular species and its habitat.

Specialized heatmaps can be created on this site supporting filters and additional data fields for field study. If you're interested just let me know.

Extra Input for Unusual Animal Sightings

I'm thinking of adding a new field or two for users to add additional information when submitting the find. I haven't added it yet, but if you would like to submit extra info after submitting a sighting just send me an email with the info. I will logg it, and will show up with the additional details when user clicks on id.